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Customer Support

Resolve support tickets faster

Spend less time reporting bugs.
Reduce back-and-forth with engineers.

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Bird Eats Bug session example

Jaala | Head of Support at 'nuffsaid

Bird has really helped us to streamline our bug reporting process. It allows users (across the company) to report a bug or an issue, with a simple click. No need to take multiple screenshots, or export log files. Bird does the work and helps us get back to work quicker.

DevTools view in Bird Eats Bug session

No more follow-up questions from engineers

All Bird bug reports automatically come with auto-captured data that developers need to debug the issue.

  • 2 minute setup to save you hours of back-and-forth
  • 1 click screen recording
  • Automatically captured technical data

Incredibly easy to use, whatever your technical level

We have optimised every single interaction, so now Bird is easier to use than even mainstream screen recording tools. Anyone can figure it out immediately.

Bird Eats Bug Chrome extension opened in tab
Icons of all tools Bird Eats Bug integrates with

More time on tickets, less time on bugs

Minimise the time spent reporting bugs. For example, you can explain a complicated issue with your voice instead of typing. And send all the required info to an engineer in 1 link.

  • Mic recording to explain the issue faster
  • Bug reports shareable with a single link
  • Integration with Slack, Zapier, and other popular issue trackers.

Casey | VP of Operations at SmarterSelect

I wish we had found Bird Eats Bug sooner. We all do! I could have saved so much time on trying to teach support how to write up bug reports that can go direct to the development team. The dev team could have saved so much time on understanding bug reports from their perspective rather than just the user's. And we have a central location for everything!

Helpful resources from our blog

See what Bird Eats Bug can do for your team

Try it on your next bug - you’ll love it

“Game changer”

Julie, Head of QA


Overall rating: 4.7/5

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© 2023 Bird Eats Bug