Debug faster with data-rich bug reports

Start getting bug reports from your team that actually tells you what went wrong. Bug Capture helps your team easily capture bugs with DevTools, screen recordings and environment info to help you debug faster.

DevTools, as standard

No need to ask for reporters to share screenshots of their DevTools - it comes as standard with every bug report.

Console logs with click/key input events and React/Vue component logs
Network requests headers and response bodies, including Graphql request names
Reporter system and environment information including internet connection speeds

Custom security controls

Filter out the recording of any sensitive data for your organisation.

Regex patterns to automatically redact sensitive information from bug reports.
Data recording controls in the browser extension to ignore certain types of logs.
Locally stored recordings that have to be uploaded by the user to prevent accidental upload of sensitive data.
Data stored on EU servers

Get bug reports from anyone, with Web SDK

Embed our web SDK bug recorder directly into your app with a single line of code. This will allow anyone, including your customers to record issues with Bug Capture via a simple, fully customisable recording widget.

Automate tests faster with E2E templates

Bug Capture automatically converts the actions in any bug or test recording into a test script template for popular E2E testing frameworks such as Cypress, Playwright, Selenium and Puppeteer. Helping you save time when automating tests.

Stop reporting bugs the old-fashioned way

Try Bug Capture on your next bug - you’ll love it

“Game changer”

Julie, Head of QA


Overall rating: 4.7/5

Try Bird later, from your desktop

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