Resolve support tickets faster

Spend less time reporting bugs. Easily find out what went wrong for your customers, and give your product teams all the data they need to resolve the issues faster.

Try Bug Capture for free
30 day free trial - No credit card required

Less back-and-forth with devs about bugs

When you record a bug with Bug Capture, it also records the technical logs behind the scenes. This gives your engineers all the context and data they need; so they can spend time fixing the bug, and less time asking you follow-up questions.

Never miss a bug with instant replay

Replays will allow Bug Capture to keep an eye out for bugs in the background. So as soon as a bug happens, you can instantly replay and report it.

Try Instant Replay
Rated 4.8/5 and installed by over 30,000 people

Integrate with your support tools

Easily share your bug reports with your support tools like Intercom and Zendesk, as well as your team's issue management tools like Jira.

Record demos & guides for your customers

You can use Bug Capture for any other type of recording, not just bugs. You can record your mic, webcam, take screenshots, or annotate recordings. Try using Bird to record your next demo for customers.

Start recording with Bug Capture
30 day free trial - No credit card required

Stop reporting bugs the old-fashioned way

Try Bug Capture on your next bug - you’ll love it

“Game changer”

Julie, Head of QA


Overall rating: 4.7/5

Try Bird later, from your desktop

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