Ship bug-free products faster

Easily record bugs in perfect detail, to eliminate back-and-forth between your team to understand bugs and help your engineers fix them 30% faster.

Get started with Bird
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Give engineers an easy way to understand every issue

All Bird bug reports automatically come with visual proof, steps to reproduce the error and technical data to help engineers get to the source of the problem faster.

Console logs, network requests, local storage
Minimize back-and-forth
Share bug reports with a single link

Allow your team & users to report bugs like a pro

Bird offers multiple recording solutions to suit the needs of different users and technical abilities.

An advanced extension recorder with specialized features for QAs and PMs to test and report bugs.
A simple Web SDK recorder widget for end users or non-technical team members to report bugs.

Automatically triage your next bug

Easily configure custom automation workflows e.g. instantly create a tailored Jira ticket when your QA reports a bug during release testing. Or automatically direct bug reports to relevant PMs depending on where they occur.

Not just for bugs

You can use Bird for any other type of recording, not just bugs. You can record your mic, webcam, take screenshots or annotate your recordings. Try it for your next product review, demo or sprint plan.

Start recording with Bird
14 day free trial - No credit card required

Stop reporting bugs the old-fashioned way

Try Bird on your next bug - you’ll love it

“Game changer”

Julie, Head of QA


Overall rating: 4.7/5

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Made in Germany
© 2023 Bird Eats Bug