

Connect errors in Rollbar to Bug Capture recordings


Integration with Bug Capture connects errors in Rollbar to a Bug Capture recording, allowing a much easier way to understand the user's experience when reviewing error data in Rollbar. There's a clear correlation between error data in Rollbar and issues reported from internal and external users with Bug Capture.


For the integration to work, you need to use both Rollbar and either Bug Capture SDK or the browser extension.

Rollbar configuration

The data that Rollbar needs is for the URL returned by window.birdeatsbug?.session?.link || window.birdeatsbugExtension?.session?.link to be added into the payload for the Rollbar item when it is created. We use the "transform" function, as shown in the JavaScript code example below.

This can be done in any SDK that Bug Capture and Rollbar support. Review the supported SDKs for both solutions online.

var const rollbarConfig = {
    // ...otherConfig
    transform: function (payload) {
        // Add the Bird Eats Bug session link to the payload, if it exists.
        const sessionLink = window.birdeatsbug?.session?.link || window.birdeatsbugExtension?.session?.link
        if (sessionLink) {
            payload.birdeatsbugSessionURL = sessionLink;
        return payload;

How to add the Rollbar Service Link

Navigate to the project you want to add the Service Link to. Add the new Service Link using the following example.


This service link in Rollbar will now open the Bug Capture recording in a new browser tab, allowing you to quickly view the user-reported recording and associated data in Bug Capture.


Bug Capture does not auto-upload recordings. The user has to take a submit action to upload the recording. This means that in the moment in time when an error occurs and is sent to Rollbar, it is only known whether there's an ongoing recording with Bug Capture and under which URL the recording will be accessible if the user uploads it. However, the user might choose to not upload the Bug Capture recording. In this case, Rollbar will link to a Bug Capture recording that is not accessible. Bug Capture sessions recorded with the Instant Replay feature created with the browser extension will not be linked on Rollbar.

What if I need support?

Bird support:

Rollbar support:

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