Ukeje C. Goodness is a tech explorer exploring backend development in Go and machine learning in Python while writing about those topics.
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Redis (Remote Dictionary Server) is an open-source, NoSQL, in-memory data storage. Redis is popularly used as a database, caching service, and streaming engine due to its speed, ease of use, and support for many data types.
The Redis database is helpful for applications where service delivery speed is essential, such as authentication, and you can use a Redis database to make your applications more scalable.
A Redis database can be used with a variety of programming languages, including Go. The Go-Redis package is the most popular and widely used package for interacting with Redis databases in Go. The Go Redis package is a feature-rich, type-safe Redis client that allows Go applications to perform operations on Redis servers and clusters.
In this tutorial, we'll learn how to use Redis as a database with Go by connecting to a local Redis server on your machine. If you don't already have Redis installed on your device, follow the instructions here; if you use a Mac, this is a good resource for installing and starting Redis.
Like every external Go package, you'll have to install Go Redis after initializing a Go modules file go.mod in your workspace. You can install Go Redis using the command below.
The command would install the Go Redis package in your workspace. Here's how you can import the package.
If you don't see any errors at this point, your installations were successful; if you do, try updating your Redis and Go versions. 1
You'll have to connect to a Redis instance to use Redis in your Go programs. You can use the NewClient method to connect to a Redis instance; the NewClient method refers to the Options struct where you can set the database configurations.
In most cases, you'll need only the address. By default, Redis runs on port 6379, which explains the address above.
You can ping your Redis instance to confirm your connection using the Result method on the Ping method of your client instance.
Just like when you use the ping argument on the Redis-cli command on your terminal, the response should be PONG, indicating that you're connected or an error if you're not connected.
Once you've successfully connected to your Redis instance, you can operate on it.
If you're using Redis with Go, you'll probably want to insert values into your Redis instance. You can insert it into your Redis instance using the Set method of your client instance redisClient. The Set method takes in the key, value, and expiration time, which you can set to 0 if you don't want the data to expire.
The insertIt function takes in the key and value you want to insert and returns any type; in this case, it returns a string.
You can use the Err method on the Set method to handle errors or the Result method for the insertion result.
Similar to Redis, there's no update method in the Go-Redis package. You can only re-set values if you want to update a value.
You can use the Get method to read from your Redis instance. The Get method takes in the key and returns the value. Also, you can use the Result function on the Get method for the status of your operation.
The readIt function takes in a string key and returns the value of the query if the query is valid.
For delete operations, Go-Redis provides the Del method. The Del method takes in the key of the pair you want to delete and deletes the key-value pair from the instance.
The delete_ function takes in the key, deletes the key-value pair, and returns the status of the operation. On successful deletion, the delete_ function would return 1 .
You can use the LPush method on your Redis connection instance to create a list and insert values into the list.
The LPush method takes in the key and an unlimited list of values.
You can use the LRange method on your Redis connection instance to range through your Redis list. The LRange method takes in the key name and the integer range you want to access.
The LRange method returns a slice of the elements in the range of the key on your Redis instance.
You can use the LPop method to delete values from lists. The LPop method takes in the key name of the list you want to delete and deletes the last element off the list.
If you have a specific index you want to delete from, you can use the LRem method.
The LRem method uses the key, a count, and the value as arguments.
You can use the Keys method on your Redis connection instance to print all the keys in your Redis database.
The Keys method returns a slice of the keys in your database. This operation comes in handy when you’re unaware of the names of keys in your database.
Unfortunately, Go-Redis doesn't support all the Redis commands. Nonetheless, you can still interact with your Redis cluster with the Go-Redis package because the package supports running unsupported commands.
You can use the Do method of your Redis instance to run unsupported commands. The Do method takes in a context and the command.
You can specify a context along with the Do method. The unsupported function runs the get command on the Redis instance for the Company key and prints the query result. Similarly, you can run any unsupported command with the Do method.
This tutorial has taught you how to use Redis with Go. You learned how to connect to a Redis instance from your Go app and execute popular Redis commands, work with Redis lists, execute unsupported commands, and more.
Most of the go-redis commands are similar to the regular Redis commands, and you can call the methods based on your operation. The Go Redis package isn’t well documented, and the documentation covers mainly connections, pub-sub,and other operations.
You can try using the regular Redis commands and overviewing the arguments the functions accept from the official documentation package on the Go documentation page or use the unsupported commands option.
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